We're all about details, so here they are.
Young Twos and Older Two-Year Old Preschool Classes The overall goal of our 2 year old program is to help children learn how to separate comfortably from parents, learn to be in a new environment, to play cooperatively and follow 2-3 step directions. Pro-social behavior is developed through play. Students will learn to focus attention, test ideas and develop a life-long love of learning. Themes are used to learn and explore areas such as: colors/shapes, visual discrimination, concepts such as opposites, positional words, and games to promote following directions. Daily Plans are based on various themes and include: • Free Play: the child’s choice of activities, including dolls, housekeeping, vehicles, blocks, interactive toys, sensory exploration and books. • Art: generally theme related and both process and product oriented to develop creativity, fine motor skills and exposure to a variety of media. • Circle Time: teacher directed time of reading books, reviewing shapes/colors and singing songs to promote concepts of the related themes as well as alphabet, numbers, seasons, etc. Goals may include: - The ability to sit in a group for 5-10 minutes - The ability to sort objects by shape and color - To begin to develop concepts of sharing and taking turns - Follow 2-step directions - Understanding positional words(on,under, etc) - Counting up to 3 objects(1:1 correspondence) - Will hold crayon, etc to scribble, make circles, some straight lines Spiritual Growth is built through Bible stories and blessings as well as learning to pray. Outside time is provided daily, weather permitting. The Sanctuary is available for indoor play during inclement weather. Our older two year olds attend music weekly and story-time bi-weekly. Parents supply a snack, lunch and water bottle daily. Ratio: 2 Teachers/10 Students for Older Twos and 2 Teachers/8 students for Young Twos
3-Year Old Preschool Classes The overall goal of our 3 year old program is to help children to learn to work and play with others, including teachers, and promote self help skills and independence, in a loving, safe environment. Themes are used to learn and explore areas such as: sequencing, spatial relations, concepts such as opposites and positional words, shapes and colors, beginning letter/number recognition, name recognition, and categorizing, etc. Daily Plans are based on various themes and include: • Free Play: the child’s choice of activities, including blocks and other building materials, home living and dress up, action figures and vehicles, puzzles and books. • Art: generally theme related and is both process and product oriented to develop creativity, fine motor skills and exposure to a variety of media and techniques. • Circle Time: teacher directed time of reading books, reviewing shapes/colors, calendar concepts and singing songs and rhymes to promote concepts of the related themes as well as alphabet, numbers, seasons, etc. Age appropriate academics are explored. Outside time is provided daily, weather permitting. Multi-purpose room is available for indoor play. Chapel is attended on a weekly basis. Spiritual Growth is built through Bible stories, learning Bible verses and blessings as well as learning to pray. Biblical concepts such as God’s love for us and Jesus as His son are explored. Parents supply a light snack and lunch. Music classes and Library time are provided weekly.Creative Movement is attended monthly. Ratio: 2 Teachers/10 Students.
Pre-Kindergarten Classes The overall goal of our 4 year old program is to help children to begin to socially and academically prepare for Kindergarten in a fun, loving and Christian environment. Planned weekly themes use cross-curricular activities to teach skills in beginning reading, math, science and social studies. Children will grow in independence and self-confidence, all while developing a love of learning. Goals may include: - Reading skills - recognizes letters, recognizes name in print, beginning phonics, print awareness and sight words - Math skills - number recognition up to 20, 1:1 correspondence, understands conceptual skills such as color, shapes, sizes, similarities and differences, participates in sorting, classifying and patterning activities, simple addition and subtraction - Gross Motor skills - develops skills such as running, skipping, climbing, jumping, catching and throwing - Fine Motor skills - cutting, correct pencil grip, drawing, painting, begins to write letters and numbers with control - Scientific experimentation, dramatic play, games and songs to enhance theme and learning - Art - Projects will be process and product oriented. A variety of media and techniques are explored throughout the year to nurture imagination and creativity. - Develops language skills and follows 3-step directions - Social/Emotional - Interact well with peers, shares and takes turns, demonstrates responsibility, handles success and failure appropriately, follows directions Free play times offer access to blocks and other building materials, dramatic play, home living, action figures, vehicles, puzzles, books, sensory activities and more. Outside time is provided daily, weather permitting. The Sanctuary is available for indoor play during inclement weather. Chapel is attended bi-weekly with spiritual growth being built through bible stories, learning bible verses, blessings and songs as well as learning to pray. Biblical concepts such as God’s love for us and Jesus as His son are explored. Children attend Creative Movement once a month, Music weekly and Story-time bi-weekly. Field Trips and “in school” events are planned throughout the year. Parents supply a snack, lunch and water bottle daily. Ratio: 2 Teachers/12 Students.
Summer Sprouts Camp Our summer mornings are filled with fun, theme based activities. Campers will have story time, crafts, games and water play daily. We'll have plenty of outside play in our outdoor classroom and playground. Our camp is for students ages 2 through rising first graders. Camp will begin the last week of May running through the second week of August. Camp is held Tuesday - Thursday from 9:00 am - noon. New students are welcome! Please see the attached brochure for camp information. Contact us at orpcschool@gmail.com for more information or questions.